German Aluminium Industry Association visits HAI
The Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e.V. visited Hammerer Aluminium Industries in Ranshofen on 06/12/2018, in the course of a conference.
German Aluminium Industry Association visits HAI Ranshofen
On 05/12/2018, the 25 members of the Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e.V. (GDA)gathered in Salzburgfor a conferenceto promote the active exchange of information between aluminium companies. Based in Düsseldorf, the GDA is an association of aluminium companies. In its role as a sector association, the GDA represents the interests of the aluminium industry. The events organised by the Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e.V. can be regarded as technical dialogue forums. They provide important stimulus for enhancing the innovative strength of the member companies.
Hammerer Aluminium Industries GmbHinvited colleagues from the GDA conferencein Salzburg to visit the main site in Ranshofenon 06/12/2018. The 25-person delegation was guided through the plant in Upper Austria by HAI CEOs Dr. Markus Schoberand Rob van Gils. The visitors were impressed by the innovative production processes at Hammerer Aluminium Industries.
The active exchange of information between representatives of the aluminium industry is an important stimulus for increasing the innovative strength of member companies.